Real Estate Investment blog

3 types of repayment schedules (bullet, full-bullet, annuity)

3 types of repayment schedules and which is best for you


Reading Time: 5 minutesWhen you’re making a smart investment, you’re taking a lot of things into account. The risks, the percentage… but time – time is often overlooked yet it is one of the most valuable assets a smart investor has. It’s a common mistake, both for beginners and financial gurus, to disregard time during their calculations and …

Increase returns by reinvesting at Reinvest24

How reinvesting at Reinvest24 can increase your returns even more?


Reading Time: 4 minutesAs long as investments have existed, investors tried to maximize gains and minimize the cash drag. Even the legendary quote says it all – “The time is money”, so don’t underestimate the value of your time, especially, when it comes to investing. But what does that really mean? Let’s take a closer look and find …