Information to our investors

Taking into account the recent conflict between Russia and Ukraine, we would like to give you a status update, regarding your Reinvest24 investments.
Reinvest24 is operating in 5 different markets, such as Baltic countries, Germany, Moldova and Spain. The platform does not have any projects or business operations in Russia or Ukraine, therefore none of our operations is impacted by this crisis.
As per Moldova, on the 24th of February, Moldova’s parliament has approved a state of emergency for 60 days. The situation in the country is stable and the aforementioned emergency state will not impact any of our projects, thus all our works continue as usual.
Together with our Moldovan branch, we have been following the development of the Russia-Ukraine situation very closely. As of today, there are no threats that could harm any of our employees, or our real estate developments in this region. As a result, our investors will not face any payment delays on our projects.
We would like to emphasize that our investor’s interests and security have always been our highest priority.
We will keep you updated on the situation for full transparency reasons.
Thank you for your trust!
Tanel Orro, the CEO of Reinvest24