Reinvest24 is removing the entry fee and introducing the success fee

Reinvest24 wants to show You how truly valuable You are to us. Reinvest24 investors have always been a key factor for the platform’s growth and success. Therefore, today we are saying goodbye to the 1% investment fee for our projects (newly published).
No more 1% entry fee
There will be no fees when investing in newly published projects on Reinvest24 primary market starting from the 22nd of November. Taking into account that a 1% fee is one of the platform’s income streams, it still will be charged, but at the end, when the project is exited. It means that 1% will be charged from Your principal amount at the time of its repayment. This way, investors will earn from the entire amount invested, which will result in more earnings than before. We believe this way it is fairer, as in simple words – Reinvest24 will take a fee only after Your investment is paid back to you. The success fee will not be applied to our ongoing projects.
“This is a huge development of things for Reinvest24 and our investors. In fact, the entry fee accompanied us since the very beginning. At first, it was 2%, then last year we cut it in half. And now we are tying it with repayments instead of entry. Reinvest24 is growing rapidly and we are constantly thinking about how we can improve our users’ experience on the platform. We decided that now was the right time to modify Reinvest24’s fee structure, thus giving the extra income to our investors.”
Tanel Orro, CEO of Reinvest24.
Secondary market transactions
The success fee will be applicable only to the newly published projects. It means the past projects, available on the secondary market will continue honouring the previous fee structure (1% for the buyer). Also, the success fee at the project exit will not be applicable to our past projects. As per the new projects and stages, after the 18th of November (including), the seller will have to pay a 1% fee and for the buyer, it will be for free.
Performance, performance, performance
In the screenshots below we give an example of how this change will impact the performance. As You can see, the success fee will make for 1.9% more in earnings for investors (if reinvesting monthly income).

Read more about How reinvesting can increase Your returns even more?
Reinvest24 hopes You will use this change wisely and increase your performance even more.
We thank You for the constant platform support and loyalty!