4th years anniversary recap – Cheers to yet another trip around the sun

Another great 365 days of investments, properties and reminders to fight inflation by investing in real estate have passed. Last year was one of the most intense and meaningful in terms of Reinvest24 development. It was full of great achievements and milestones! And to honour them once again, we decided to give special Reinvest24 awards to the most meaningful ones.
Before we proceed with our anniversary awards, let’s have a quick look at our Milestones in the infogram below.

Reinvest24 awards
Greatest Achievement award-successful project exits
This year was fruitful in terms of project exits, as we exited 38 projects (together with stages). We also fully exited projects from our new markets, such as the Bauskas development project from Latvia, as well as Nistor and Traian from Moldova.
Geographical Footprint award – Expansion to Germany and Switzerland
We were not standing still and brought to the investment table the most stable and reputable markets in Europe – Germany and Switzerland. Now, Reinvest24 is more than ever all about diversification and fairly secured projects.
Excellence award – one of the fastest growing platform

During this time, our community welcomed 6,5k investors. As of today, our investor’s database counts over 15’000 users. In terms of the amount of investments made, we financed more than 14m EUR and repaid back to our investors more than 6m EUR. Such rapid growth couldn’t be unnoticed and Reinvest24 officially became one of the fastest-growing crowdfunding platforms in the industry.
Gold Medalist – project, generating up to 18% p.a.
In December last year, we decided to test if our investors would be interested in anything else, apart from investing in real estate. So, we published our first business loan, which generated a whopping 18% p.a. This incentive was welcomed extremely well, as during 2 hours we funded the first stage of Interchem business loan. That also gave us the assurance to start looking in slightly different directions and bringing to our investors the winner of our next award.
Green Future award – Solar panel plant project
Our green energy project is an absolute shooting star example of how crisis brings opportunities. Guess who has a chance to be a part of one of the biggest privately-owned solar panel parks in Chisinau, Moldova, helping developing countries to grow faster? That’s right, Reinvest24 investors.
Best investor’s community award – all of You!
And finally, the most important award goes to You! Our dear community, without You, nothing would be possible. We are grateful to have you with us. There are a lot of choices out there but you singled us out and that means a lot to us. We will make sure to remain to be the first place you think of for investing in great real estate projects for many many years ahead.
+1 Year to us, +1% Bonus Cashback to You
Let’s celebrate Reinvest24 4th anniversary together! Until 16.05.2022 (included), invest more than 1000 EUR on the primary market and receive a 1% cashback bonus from your investments! To participate in the campaign, please, read the terms and conditions.