Opening our 2nd international branch

We are more than happy to announce that we have opened our 2nd international branch. This time all the spotlights are on Moldova. Apart from that, we introduce new innovative solutions to become even more transparent with our investors and announce the publishing of our first development project from Moldova.
Establishing a serious presence on existing markets
One of our main focuses this year is to continue our successful expansion to new geographies, additionally strengthening the presence of already existing ones. This way we were able to execute numerous successful project exits from the new markets, such as Moldova and Latvia, as well as offer more high-quality investment projects. Now we look forward to implementing the next steps in order to maintain better monitoring of the whole development process.
Success story: Nistor residential building
Success story: Belgrad residential project
Taking into account that 41.6% of Reinvest24 projects are located in Moldova, opening the branch there became the only logical development of things. Before that from Moldova, we offered only real estate backed loans – a loan type where the financing is given to the 3rd party. Now this will allow us to have development projects and also rental projects in future. Our new branch is located in Chisinau, on Alexandru Hajdeu street, 47. Every investor, who want to visit us or our projects are warmly welcomed to do so, scheduling it in advance.
Introducing project live cameras
We did not stop there and went even further! Our ultimate goal is to provide the safest investment environment in the industry. As part of it, we introduce an exclusive possibility to watch the constructions of our Moldovan development projects in real-time, which makes Reinvest24 the first platform to implement such a solution. We believe that this way our investors will get the best access to project overviews and will be able to see for themselves the results of their investments.
Note: Currently supported with all the internet browsers, but Chrome.
You can find access to the real-time cameras in the “Insider updates” blog articles of our projects.
Publishing our first development project in Moldova
Of course, it all was on purpose! For quite a long time we have been following the exciting developments of the Moldovan real estate market. We couldn’t ignore the growing tendency nor stop searching for the best possible solutions for the advantage of our investors. The greatest fact is that property prices have no limit and definitely have a healthy potential to grow even more. Taking all that into account, today we are introducing our very first development project from Moldova – Metropolis luxury IT apartments.

This is a loan type we use to purchase a land plot or property in order to develop and sell it with profit. It will be fully managed by Reinvest24 and 100% owned by our Moldovan SPV. The development process will be implemented in partnership with Kirsan. It is important to mention that it is more similar to our rental projects, rather than real estate backed loans. It means that we don’t lend money to a 3rd party, but purchase the property and manage the process in a similar way we do with our rental properties.
We have no doubt that these steps will positively influence our further growth and project’s development in this region.
Read more about the Moldovan real estate market in the articles below:
2. 7 reasons why you should consider Moldova as your next real estate investment destination.