Real Estate Investment blog

John D. Rockefeller (1839-1937)

3 Lessons on how to grow wealth from the richest American ever


Reading Time: 4 minutes 181 years ago, on July 8th the pure legend of how to grow wealth was born – John D. Rockefeller (1839-1937). He founded the Standard Oil company in 18701, which is an “ancestor” of famous Oil giants such as BP Plc, ExxonMobil, and Chevron. In 1916 the entrepreneur was the first person ever whose nominal …

Reinvest24 Q2 overview

Reinvest24 Q2 2020 overview


Reading Time: 2 minutes The first month of summer has passed and it means it is the right time for Q2 overview. In this blog post, You will find out what happened at Reinvest24 in the past 3 months and what are the latest updates You must know.  Properties  Recently Reinvest24 started a major work towards new markets and …

Baltic real estate overview takeaways

Is the Baltics Real Estate market about to crash? Key webinar takeaways


Reading Time: 4 minutes What currently happens on the Baltics Real Estate market? Are we expecting the next market crash? To find that out, we invited our industry colleagues – CEO of Bulkestate – Igors Puntuss, Lars Wrobbel – Passives Einkommen mit P2P and Andis Birins – OBER HAUS Latvia Representative to join our CEO Tanel Orro in an …

Residential area houses

Q1 2020 property overview


Reading Time: 4 minutes In the past, our property overviews were sent via email only to users who are invested in a particular project. Starting from now, the overviews of our rental properties will be available for everyone. Also, we believe this will increase transparency. Besides, all our users will have a better overview of what’s happening with the …

Vinkli 13 facade

Success story: Vinkli 13 property exit with total earning 14.07% per annum


Reading Time: 3 minutes Now it is undoubtedly clear! The turbulent events of Q1 did everything to make 2020 a year to remember. While some are panicking over a stock market crash, some desperately sweeping toilet paper from the shelves of supermarkets. And well-known investment banks are forecasting the potential economic impact of coronavirus pandemic, we at Reinvest24 have …

It's fine - meme

How to make sure you are not being scammed?


Reading Time: 9 minutes The main purpose of this article is to increase the level of knowledge among investors and save some investors from bad investments. Check out also articles about this topic from experienced P2P investors in the section “Useful reading before choosing P2P platform”. In this article, You will learn what to evaluate in order to avoid being financially scammed. …