Real Estate Investment blog

Earning over 25% from real estate crowdfunding

Success story: 2 land plots project exited with a total effective return of over 25%


Reading Time: 2 minutesIn 2019 we introduced 2 projects to our investors – land plots with great potential, next to one more project that we exited last year – Vinkli 13. We found the land plots and the developer, who was interested in buying them but lacked the funds for acquisition. We financed the buying of 2 land …

3 years anniversary Reinvest24

3 years journey of making investing in real estate accessible to anyone


Reading Time: 3 minutesToday Reinvest24 is turning 3 years old. The anniversary always offers a great opportunity to reflect on the major milestones achieved and share gratitude to all the people involved, as without You, our dearest investors, we wouldn’t be in the place we are right now. The idea of creating Reinvest24 appeared from our own needs, …

Increase returns by reinvesting at Reinvest24

How reinvesting at Reinvest24 can increase your returns even more?


Reading Time: 4 minutesAs long as investments have existed, investors tried to maximize gains and minimize the cash drag. Even the legendary quote says it all – “The time is money”, so don’t underestimate the value of your time, especially, when it comes to investing. But what does that really mean? Let’s take a closer look and find …

q4 property update

Q4 2020 property overview


Reading Time: 6 minutesIn this Q4 property overview, we will share with you all the most important news and updates you need to know about Reinvest24 ongoing rental properties. In Q4 2020, our secondary market was launched and we have been seeing a lot of activity there already. Now it is even more important to have an up-to-date …

Reinvest24 Q3 overview

Q3 2020 property overview


Reading Time: 5 minutesIn the past, our property quarter overviews were sent via email only to users who are invested in a particular project. Starting from Q1 2020, the overviews of our rental properties, as well as the development projects are available for everyone. We believe that this will increase the transparency and all our investors will have …

Success story: All Majaka properties exited with average profit of 14.24% per annum


Reading Time: 5 minutesMajaka 54 was the first development project of Reinvest24. The development was conducted by our own real estate team. We built 2 additional floors on top of 2 floor apartment building. All together there were 5 parts of this project on Reinvest24 platform, one of them were divided into 2 separate projects during the payout. …

Reinvest24 Q3 overview

Reinvest24 Q3 2020 overview


Reading Time: 3 minutesIt is hard to believe that  ¾ of this turbulent but very inspiring year passed already. In case You missed some Reinvest24 updates for the past 3 months, don’t worry. The dream team is here to fill the missing gaps and share the most important news in Q3 2020 overview.  Properties If recently some investors …