Real Estate Investment blog

Reinvest24 fees

Reinvest24 is removing the entry fee and introducing the success fee


Reading Time: 2 minutes Reinvest24 wants to show You how truly valuable You are to us. Reinvest24 investors have always been a key factor for the platform’s growth and success. Therefore, today we are saying goodbye to the 1% investment fee for our projects (newly published). No more 1% entry fee  There will be no fees when investing in …

Reinvest24 partnership with Kirsan

Reinvest24 announces strategic partnership with KIRSAN and brings more security to its projects


Reading Time: 2 minutes We are delighted to announce that Kirsan Swiss GmBH has become an official shareholder (18%) of Reinvest Holding. “With this partnership, we put our talents and competencies together to achieve the main mission – making investing in secured real estate accessible to everyone”, says Tanel Orro, the CEO of Reinvest24. “We have always been very …

Reinvest24 in Moldova

Opening our 2nd international branch


Reading Time: 3 minutes We are more than happy to announce that we have opened our 2nd international branch. This time all the spotlights are on Moldova. Apart from that, we introduce new innovative solutions to become even more transparent with our investors and announce the publishing of our first development project from Moldova.  Establishing a serious presence on …

Rental projects investment

Rental projects – the undervalued investment with huge potential (part 2) 


Reading Time: 3 minutes Welcome back to diving deeper into the concept of rental projects. In part 1, we explained the overall information about this project type and now will have a closer look at the risks and securities.   Key takeaways The risk factor – this type of project basically has no possibility for the property to default; You …

Invest in Moldovan real estate

Insider updates on Nistor residential building


Reading Time: 3 minutes In this blog article, You will find out the latest updates about the Nistor residential building project. Also, see the pictures from the construction fields. Key facts about Nistor residential building: Nistor is a 12-storey residential building, located at the edge of Chisinau City center. It offers premium-class modern apartments with floor-to-ceiling windows at very …

Investing in rental real estate

Rental projects – the undervalued investment with huge potential (part 1) 


Reading Time: 4 minutes Reinvest24 is constantly growing by adding new investment types, covering unique markets, and welcoming new investors. Not many will remember that at Reinvest24 it all started with rental projects – a unique concept for the alternative investment industry. We decided to educate our new investors, as well as remind our experienced ones what the rental …

How to pass the KYC process

Introducing automated KYC verification process


Reading Time: 3 minutes Reinvest24 continues to work actively on improving the platform, its security and overall customer’s experience. To make sure we create a safe environment for everyone and become a regulated platform soon, we have updated our KYC onboarding process for our clients, as well as revised our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions. In this blog …

Invest in Moldovan real estate

Insider updates on Belgrad residential project


Reading Time: 5 minutes Continuing the series of our monthly development project “Insider updates”, today we are sharing with you the latest updates about the Belgrad residential project from Chisinau, Moldova. Successful exit – all 3 stages repaid back We did it! From today, the Belgrad residential project is officially exited, repaying back to 334 participated investors 240 000 …

3 types of repayment schedules (bullet, full-bullet, annuity)

3 types of repayment schedules and which is best for you


Reading Time: 5 minutes When you’re making a smart investment, you’re taking a lot of things into account. The risks, the percentage… but time – time is often overlooked yet it is one of the most valuable assets a smart investor has. It’s a common mistake, both for beginners and financial gurus, to disregard time during their calculations and …

Bauskas development project success story

Insider updates on Bauskas development project


Reading Time: 8 minutes In this blog article, You will find out all the information about our Bauskas development project, from the very beginning until its successful exit. Successful project exit As announced in March, we started the refinancing process of this project. Now we can confirm that everything went smoothly and all the 7 stages were exited, repaying …