Real Estate Investment blog


Insider updates on Metropolis Luxury IT apartments project


Reading Time: 2 minutesWith this blog post, we will keep you updated on the latest news of our first development project in Moldova – Metropolis Luxury IT apartments.  Key facts about Metropolis Luxury IT apartments project: LTV – 50%; Collateral – Owned by our SPV, mortgage; Country – Moldova; Duration – 18 months; The contract is in EUR …


4th years anniversary recap – Cheers to yet another trip around the sun


Reading Time: 3 minutesAnother great 365 days of investments, properties and reminders to fight inflation by investing in real estate have passed. Last year was one of the most intense and meaningful in terms of Reinvest24 development. It was full of great achievements and milestones! And to honour them once again, we decided to give special Reinvest24 awards …


Update on the situation in Moldova


Reading Time: 3 minutesThe conservative approach of Reinvest24 towards its portfolio management proved its resilience many times, even during the most turbulent ones. In fact, during the pandemic, we successfully exited many projects, earning phenomenal profits, while maintaining a 0% default rate. We were always extremely transparent in terms of sharing details about our projects and their updates. …


Becoming the first ones to provide investments in green energy projects


Reading Time: 3 minutesReinvest24 is entering a completely new chapter of the platform’s development. Today we start the path of providing investments in the sustainable green energy projects. With that being said, we opened the financing of building one of the biggest privately-owned solar panel parks in Chisinau, Moldova. And becoming the first investing platform from the Baltics to …


Insider updates on Traian residential building project


Reading Time: 3 minutesWith this blog post, we will keep you updated on the latest news of our Moldovan gem – Traian residential project. Key facts about Traian residential project: LTV – 50%; Collateral – 1st rank mortgage; Country – Moldova; Duration – 6 months; The contract is in EUR currency, therefore currency risk is eliminated; Provided by …


5 Key takeaways from MIPIM 2022 – World’s biggest real estate event


Reading Time: 4 minutesFrom 15th to 17th of March, the Reinvest24 team had a blast being in Cannes, France and attend the World’s biggest real estate event – MIPIM 2022. The event was amazing and we brought so many interesting insights back to Tallinn that we can’t wait to share with our investors. In this blog article, you …


Insider updates on MYLIFE residential project


Reading Time: 3 minutesIn this blog article, you will find the pictures and other updates from the construction fields of our Moldovan real estate project – MYLIFE residential development. The updates for 23.03.2022 Block A – The team proceeded with windows installation, the masonry of exterior walls and partitions of the 1st and 2nd floors. Also, the facade …


Reinvest24 expands to Switzerland – the most reputable and unwavering market


Reading Time: 2 minutesWe are pleased to announce that Reinvest24 now conquers the unique market of Switzerland. This is one of the European countries with a very attractive investment environment. We see that our expansion to this geography can offer remarkable investment opportunities from a robust economic and political perspective.  Reputable opportunities in the time of uncertainties Expanding …


Reinvest24 investors survey 2022- The trust and portfolio size increase 


Reading Time: 5 minutesAt the beginning of this year, we at Reinvest24 were grateful to initiate a dialogue with our investors to identify their preferences and measure the sentiment towards the platform. For this purpose, we conducted the biggest investors survey ever made at Reinvest24 and analyzed the data received. Today, we are happy to share the main …

Investors status update

Information to our investors


Reading Time: < 1 minuteTaking into account the recent conflict between Russia and Ukraine, we would like to give you a status update, regarding your Reinvest24 investments.  Reinvest24 is operating in 5 different markets, such as Baltic countries, Germany, Moldova and Spain. The platform does not have any projects or business operations in Russia or Ukraine, therefore none of …